

Breydan Tan

Support Engineer
One Empower ptd ltd

Hi ,I'm Support Engineer Breydan

I'm self-learning Front-end knowledges. For this Blog I will keep sharing Front-end and LeetCode knowdledges what I learn.

Target 2023

Sharing is learning!

I hope I can Solve and Understanding LeetCode 500 Question within 2023 and success change job to work as Front-End developer .

And I hope my journey can help who want to change to work as Programming related field without IT Background.

Tech stack

This blog is hosted on Vercel, built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS using Tailwind Nextjs Starter Blog.

A huge thanks to Timothy Lin for the minimal, lightweight, and super easy-to-customize blog starter.

A few major over-engineering-changes from the original repo:

  • ⚛️ Upgrading to React 18, NextJS 13
  • 🎉 Adopting Typescript, committing with Conventional Commits
  • 👀 Using Github Dark dimmed colors in dark mode for better contrast
  • 👨‍💻 Making a lot of changes to the UI, new homepage design, adding ProfileCard, /snippets page, etc.
  • 📥 Using the latest version of mdx-bundler, all rehype/remark plugins and dependencies are up-to-date

This blog have a legacy version built with Gatsby which can be found here.


The images in this blog are from Unsplash, gifs from GIPHY, and illustrations are from Storyset.

Thanks for the free resources 🙏

Copyright (c) Breydan Tan - Alrights reserved.